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  • Home » Courses » Pregnancy yoga

    Pregnancy Yoga Classes

    Pregnancy yoga offers a safe space, even if it’s virtually in your own home, where you can explore your feelings and the changes in your body. In a world which is fluctuating even more than normal, yoga offers you stability.

    Book a pregnancy yoga class

    Even the most dedicated pregnancy yoga practitioner doesn’t always get the birth she wishes for, but with your yoga practice you can learn to let go of what you can’t control and to trust your body through the birthing process. Whatever your birth experience, most mothers report that something they learnt in class served them well, and all mothers say that the breathing techniques were a great support, whether the early stage ‘thread’ breath, the ‘sounds’ breath or the ‘birthing’ breath, or one of our many other easy-to-learn breathing techniques.

    But please don’t come to the sessions solely to prepare for your birth, it is essential that you attend so you can enjoy the ‘here and now’ with your baby bump. Even though every session includes repetition to help you embody the moves so they happen spontaneously when needed, the main point of the class is to do your practice for that moment, so that your physical, emotional and mental health, and your baby’s physical, emotional and mental health simultaneously enjoy a regular yogic boost for the wellbeing of you both.

    Nurturing yourself simultaneously nurtures baby. Escape from the harsh realities, find your sanctuary at home, as you join us in an oasis of peaceful baby-bump-bonding with other supportive mothers.

    • What are the benefits of pregnancy yoga?

      • Early bonding with baby
      • Reduces anxiety for mother and baby
      • Promotes confidence for your birth experience
      • Tones the body
      • Establishes antenatal breathing
      • Creates good pregnancy posture
      • Encourages baby’s optimal position
      • Introduces specific pregnancy pelvic floor techniques
    • What should I expect from a pregnancy yoga class?

      Enjoy your pregnancy with moves and sequences specifically adapted for you and your baby. The movements help to ease discomfort and renew energy. Adaptations are made to support conditions such as PGP or SPD or sore hips in general.

      A general session begins with gentle stretches providing space for baby, deepens your breathing and creates a calmness ready for you and baby to enjoy the tried and tested antenatal breathing practices. Every session includes a range of authentic Birthlight yoga-based practices of flowing moves and routines.

      We always end with a deep baby-bump-bonding relaxation to release tensions and calm the mind. A relaxed mother means a relaxed baby, both are nourished and refreshed.

      Pregnancy yoga is accessible for all fitness levels. No prior experience of yoga is necessary.

    • When can I start and how long can I continue with the pregnancy yoga classes?

      It is advised that you wait till after 14 weeks of pregnancy to begin classes. From then on you can continue right up till the day your baby is due – and if baby hasn’t arrived by your due date, you can still keep coming.

      You can join at any time, but the more classes you attend the better to help you prepare both physically and mentally for the birth of your baby.

      During the sessions you are building up a memory of the movements, increasing your ability to relax and learning how to use the breath effectively. It’s like anything, the more you practice the more you get out of it. We also encourage some home practice – no matter how short – as this reinforces what you have learnt in class.

    • What’s included?

      • A 4-week Zoom livestream 1 hour session
      • Access to the live recording for a week
      • Access to exclusive videos for a month to help you continue with your pregnancy yoga at home:
        • 5-week pregnancy yoga course by teacher Sarah Bickerton
        • 8-week baby yoga course by teacher Sarah Brannen
        • 8-week postnatal course by teacher Sarah Brannen
        • Clips of baby massage

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