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    Nurturing Baby Massage Classes

    ‘Being massaged is food for the infant’ wrote the pioneer of Baby Massage, Dr F Leboyer, and he called it ‘love’.

    Book a nurturing baby massage class

    Being massaged is food for the infant’ wrote the pioneer of Baby Massage, Dr F Leboyer, and he called it ‘love’. Science proves that babies are dependent on sensory input for their growth, development and well-being, and Nurturing Baby Massage provides precisely what is needed for both you and your baby from birth onwards.

    The sessions include baby massage strokes developing week-by-week to a full body massage. Alongside the massage we integrate Yoga and movement to establish a connection between parent and baby, creating a safe haven in which trust can be nourished and strong bonds formed. To achieve this, we weave together a combination of loving touch, gentle postnatal exercises and relaxation. The livestream sessions will support you physically and emotionally in these precious weeks and months after the birth of your little one to help you gain confidence and strength.

    Little babies will need to sleep, cuddle and feed, and all of this is welcome in our relaxed class. You can rest back and observe so you will take away ideas, movements, routines and songs to use in the early weeks with your new baby.

    The Birthlight Nurturing Baby Massage kit will equip new parents with the skills to respond to their new baby in positive and enjoyable ways. It is the opportunity to develop the dialogue that nurtures the special mother-baby relationship. The practices support the mother in nurturing herself and your newborn in what can be a most wonderful time together.

    In this challenging time, these early weeks and months can create a foundation that has far reaching beneficial effects for later life for parent and child. Birthlight’s attention to the early nurturing practices are invaluable in our current situation.

    Class dates coming soon!

    • What are the benefits of Nurturing Baby Massage?

      • Techniques to enhance bonding and attachment
      • Massage routines to relax and calm baby
      • Practices to develop brain connections
      • How to lift and carry baby with mindful posture
      • Access to deep rest to overcome fatigue
      • Containment holds for crying babies or those who don’t sleep
      • Set of massage strokes for full-body massage
      • Aids digestive issues such as colic
    • What should I expect from a class?

      Babies are welcome from birth to around 5 months. The overall aim is to enable babies and parents to grow and learn together by creating an expanding Spiral of Joy. We do this by delivering practices to give a feeling of well-being and calm, to enhance the connection between the mother and baby pair.

      Little babies will enjoy massage and Yoga mini-moves, they will feed and sleep whilst you bond and relax. The baby strokes and moves are delivered alongside gentle postnatal Yoga for mother to regain strength, renew energy and release anxieties. The massage strokes are delivered gradually to develop your own full-body massage for baby. Each session finishes with a joint baby-bonding relaxation.

      Although the Nurturing Baby Massage is offered in blocks of 4 sessions, they are designed as ongoing classes, so your family can attend till baby is mobile. Baby Yoga is the natural progression on from massage.

    • What’s included?

      • A 4-week course of Zoom livestream 1 hour classes 12-1pm Wednesday
      • Access to the live recording for a week
      • Access to exclusive videos for a month to help continue your baby massage at home:
        • 5-week pregnancy yoga course by teacher Sarah Bickerton
        • Baby yoga course by teacher Sarah Brannen
        • 8-week postnatal course by teacher Sarah Brannen
        • Clips of baby massage

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